31. august 2021

Virginia og Vanessa spiller cricket


'...they understood each other perfectly and were probably at their best in each other's company.' - Angelica Garnett

The Stephen sisters, photographed here playing a game of cricket, became better known as the painter Vanessa Bell and the writer Virginia Woolf. They remained close throughout their lives.

They both had homes in the Sussex countryside - Vanessa here at Charleston, and Virginia at Asheham House and later, @MonksHouseNT - and visited one another regularly.

Vanessa's daughter, Angelica, wrote that 'they were bound together by the past and perhaps by the feeling that they were opposite in temperament and that what one lacked she could find only in the other.'

When Virginia died in 1941, Vanessa's husband Clive Bell worried she would suffer 'some utter physical collapse', and remarked in a letter that she seemed 'sadder and more silent than ever.'

Virginia was the younger sister and is on the left in this photo next to Vanessa holding the cricket bat. 

  Tekst og bilde hentet fra Instagram-kontoen Charlestontrust, som varmt kan anbefales for den som er interessert i disse to søstrene og miljøene rundt dem.

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